
Expert Insurance Advice

Residential Insurance

Insurance has to be your number one Financial Planning Priority.


It underpins, protects and covers everything you have worked hard for.

Without adequate Insurance Cover, protecting your assets, income, financial commitments and home, against you suffering from an accident or sickness, serious illness or death, would it be like a ‘House of Cards’, collapsing in on itself. And the financial impact on you and your family would be enormous, whereby the lifestyle you have become accustomed to would quickly disappear.


As an Insurance Advisor, I have first-hand experience of seeing such devastation.


1. A friend of mine’s Father, a council employee, was rushing to complete a painting job as he and his wife were flying away on holiday that very same day. At the top of a ladder, he was painting a section of roof guttering, but as he over-reached he lost balance and slid all the way down the ladder, completely shattering both ankles.

The sun bed was replaced by a hospital bed and he spent several months lying on it and a couple of years of being unable to return back to work.


Thankfully, he made a full recovery, but at the time the Council only paid accident and sickness benefit for a six month period of time and after that Alf was left with just £96.35 a week, Statutory Sick Pay!


2. One of my clients, a young family man with a loving wife and four young children, who had served in the Fire Service, refused my repeated attempts to get him to insure his life against death with a suitable Life Assurance policy. Soon after, Nigel was sadly killed in a motorcycle crash, the consequences of which were a grief stricken family, forced to sell the family home as the mortgage payment and all the other household costs, was simply unsustainable. 

A family’s anger was starting to creep in on their grief.


3. A middle aged couple took out Life Assurance with me, but declined to insurance themselves against having a Critical Illness, (Heart Attack, Stroke, and Cancer etc), because they felt the premium was a little too high! On the actual day the Life Assurance Policy dropped through the letter box, David suffered a ‘Heart Attack’. Thankfully, he survived but there was no lump sum payment to ease financial concerns about what lay ahead for them both.

As a self-employed Driving Instructor he was unable to work and with no work came no money!


And of those three examples above, a monthly premium of just around £39 a month would have protected them all.


So Insurance protection has to be a ‘Must Have’ purchase and here at Black Jaguar Financial Services we believe it should be in the following order.

1. Accident and Sickness Income Protection

Statistically, you are more likely to suffer an accident and sickness before a serious/critical illness and death. Income Protection has to be your number 1 Insurance priority!


Who do you know already who has had time off work due to an accident or sickness and what happened to their income? I think we all know somebody.


An employer might not support the employee with any income benefit at all, but may do for a short period of time, with perhaps three or six month’s full pay, but what about the time after that?


Accident and Sickness can be long-term as well as short-term. You cannot survive without income and £96.35 a week Statutory Sick Pay is not a survivable amount!


Our Income Protection Plans offer:


  • Guaranteed Insurability
  • Back to Day One Cover (The day you first suffered an accident or sickness)
  • Up to 80% of Income Protected
  • A Choice of Benefit Payment Periods, from 2 to 5 Years or Up to Retirement Age
  • Index Linked Benefit
  • Split Dual Benefit
  • Monthly Tax Free Benefit
  • Cover Flexibility
  • Monthly or Annual Premium

2. Life Assurance and Critical Illness Protection

Life Assurance pays out a lump sum of money on death and Critical Illness pays out a lump sum of money if you suffer a critical illness, such as one of the 3 main ones; Heart Attack, Stroke or Cancer.

In fact, our insurance plans cover an A to Z list of Critical/Serious Illnesses, even obscure ones, like Tongue Cancer.


So once again the question has to be; who do you know already, who has sadly passed away or suffered a Critical Illness?


My father died as a solo pilot, in a plane crash.

It was from a Heart Attack or Stroke.

(Post Mortem Inconclusive)


It may be that your employer does provide you with Life Assurance ‘Death in Service’ benefit, generally expressed in payment terms as three and half times your final salary. But will it be enough to provide for your family, pay off the mortgage and all the other credit commitments you are responsible for and what if you move between jobs, where no Life Assurance Cover is provided by a new employer?


Critical Illness cover will help you meet the bills and offer an opportunity to pay off all those credit commitments and keep your financial house in order, as it was before you became seriously ill.


But there are other considerations apart from the financial ones.

For instance, because of your illness, the family home may need to be adapted and of course, the family dynamic has changed, short or long term.


Your care and speedy recuperation are the number one priority, so it is inevitable that your partner’s work and normal daily routine, along with the children’s, will be affected. Outsourcing ‘Aftercare’, may become a factor, but support is at hand beyond the benefit pay out, as we have providers who offer this service, written as standard in the ‘Key Features and Benefits’, of the Insurance Policy.


Our Life Assurance and Critical Illness Plans Offer:


  • Guaranteed Insurability
  • Payment Holidays
  • Index Linked Benefit
  • Immediate Pay Out of Claim
  • After Care/Mental Health
  • Mortgage Protection (Decreasing Term)
  • Family Income Benefit
  • Policy Conversion Options
  • Total Permanent Disability
  • Multi-Fracture Cover
  • Waiver of Premium
  • Global Treatment/Best Doctors
  • Monthly or Annual Premium

3. Private Medical Insurance

The NHS with all its wonderful staff have done an incredible job during the Covid-19 Pandemic and are continuing to do so, but resources are now stretched more than ever, beds are in short supply, wards are overcrowded and the average waiting time for certain operations and treatment is now around the four year mark.


With Private Medical Insurance, there is no waiting time. You have immediate access to the best Private Hospitals, Doctors and Specialists, diagnosis, operations, treatment and medication, with excellent follow up procedures and aftercare. It just takes a referral from your GP and your PMI policy becomes live. 


Our Private Medical Insurance Plans Include:


  • No Waiting Lists
  • Best Doctors and Specialists
  • Second Opinion Consultations
  • Out Patient Care
  • Core Areas of Cover as Standard
  • ‘Add on Cover’ Plan Flexibility
  • Choice of Private Hospital
  • Monthly or Annual Premium

General Insurance

Home, Buildings and Contents

Within 10 minutes, via our online Uinsure, General Insurance Broker Platform, it takes just 3 simple steps, for us to quote new and existing business on a ‘Like for Like’ basis, apply and get your cover on risk.


It’s always good practice to have a competitive alternative and with that in mind we also have a Master Agency with Safe and Secure, also operating as a General Insurance Broker Platform, with the same high standard of service, speed of application and choice of product providers as that of Uinsure.


Home Buildings and Contents Cover Schedule:


  • Full Rebuild Cost
  • Up to £100,000 of Contents Cover
  • Public Liability
  • First time Buyer Discount
  • Buildings and Contents Accidental Damage
  • Specified Items of ‘High Risk Value’, (Jewellery, Bicycles, Hot Tub etc)
  • Personal Possessions (Laptop, Mobile Phone, Wallet etc)
  • Landlord Cover
  • Legal Expenses
  • Cash
  • Boiler Cover
  • 24 hours Home Emergency
  • Monthly or Annual premium


So at the click of a button, your Home Buildings and Contents, with Accidental Damage are fully insured. And all policy documentation is sent immediately to you via email or by first class post.

Commercial Insurance

All of the insurances and benefits discussed above are available commercially. As an employer you may wish to cover your employees, for the benefit of the company, partnership etc, with Death in Service Life Assurance and more importantly, cover your key personnel with ‘Key Man’ Life Assurance.


Losing key men can impact severely on the business. E.g., how do you replace your Financial Director? Can you recruit someone of equal ability? How long will it take etc? Are you losing money?


Putting together an insurance package for key Personnel that will include Accident and Sickness Income Protection, Life Assurance, Critical Illness, and Private Medical insurance cover can only serve you well in the long run, as those employees will feel valued and cared for. They will be far more likely to remain loyal and stay long-term, as are the general employees, if you perhaps offer a Life Assurance and Accident and Sickness Insurance package, for them.


And of course, there are considerable Company tax advantages to be gained, when providing such employee benefits.

Insurance Objections

There are many objections to taking out insurance and the main one is generally, “I cannot afford it”. And at this moment in time, this may very well be the case, but our very in-depth Client Needs Analysis Fact Find, which is solely focused on Insurance, might just prove not to be the case.


A full analysis of your current insurance situation and income and expenditure, will hopefully establish a disposable amount of income available every month, to support a premium and having some form of protection is better than having none at all!  All our insurance solutions come from Defaqto 5 Star rated Companies, with easy, online application accessibility and with our Insurance providers, paying out claims of between 94% and 97%.


(Please Note: We Quote New Business and Existing Business Up For Annual Renewal)

Insurance... Never leave Home Without It!

Commercial Liability Insurance

Whatever your business may be or whatever size it is, whether it is a new or an existing business, Black Jaguar Financial Services are skilled at putting together annual insurance cover that will cover all liabilities and risks that are relevant to your business i.e.:


  • Buildings and Contents including Landlords Insurance
  • Public and Employer Liability
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Product Liability
  • Machinery
  • Stock
  • Office Contents
  • Glass
  • IT equipment
  • Business Interruption
  • Cash in Transit
  • Company Vehicles

But to get your business comprehensively insured and ‘On Risk’, we need to know a little bit more about your business, i.e.:


  • Type of Business
  • Years of Experience
  • Number of Employees
  • Hazards
  • Any Criminal Convictions/Offences Pending
  • CCJ’s, Bankruptcy Pending etc
  • Annual Turnover
  • Approximate Value of Building, Construction Type etc
  • Security
  • All Contents Value
  • Vehicle Value
  • Claims History

And once we are furnished with all the facts, we will put your commercial insurance enquiry out to the marketplace and within about seventy two hours we will receive very competitive terms from one of the best providers on our award winning panel and if you are happy with the quotation, you can be ‘On Risk’, within minutes.


We have a strong panel of 5 star, Defaqto rated, insurance companies, that can offer comprehensive cover at competitive, affordable premiums and also give you peace of mind, that in the event of a claim, it will be paid out.


(Please Note: We Quote New Business and Existing Business Up For Annual Renewal)

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